This article provides information on how to configure Dualog Fetch via client configurations.
Under the Main page on Dualog Portal, click on Sub-menu (located on the top-left corner) > Fetch > Configuration tab > Under client configurations, create configuration.
The default configuration is Block all.
Then no log data will be transferred to the cloud.
However, the client will log data volume per device and per severity. Volume information will be replicated to the could on an hourly basis and presented in reports on Dualog Portal.
When starting to use Dualog Fetch we recommend using this default configuration for some days to collect information about data volume. This will be a good basis for setting up a proper configuration.
When ready to receive data from clients, two strategies can be chosen:
- Block all, and make exceptions from this (what data to accept)
- Allow all, and make exceptions from this (What data to deny)
Exceptions can be made by adding filters (Regular Expressions) on the different Syslog items. For each exception, multiple filters can be added. If Carrier Detection is configured, carriers to send on can also be added to the filter.
It is important to keep the filtering simple, to avoid confusion and losing control.
Filtering values:
- Hostname (device) - Severity levels (see 4.1.2) - Facility codes - types of services (see 4.1.3)
- Message content
- Depending on policy, the rule sets will have different meanings:
Allow all:
- When adding exceptions for an Allow all policy, log lines matching the rule sets will be discarded and not sent.
- Only log lines matching rule sets for all variables will be discarded.
- Empty values will not be evaluated.
Block all:
- When adding exceptions for a Block all policy, only log lines matching the rule sets will be sent.
- Only line-matching rule sets for all variables will be sent.
- Empty values will not be evaluated.
- After setting the strategy and adding optional exceptions, ships/installations can be assigned to the new configuration.
- By selecting Skip for now, you can add (or remove) ships/installations at the later time via the main configuration menu.
- Two options: all ships or specific ships.
If selecting all ships, ship installed later will automatically be assigned to the configuration.
If there are multiple installations onboard a ship, select the one to handle syslog data.
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