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Dualog Connection Suite - Latest Download Links
On this page, you will find the latest download links for Dualog Connection Suite. Click on the link related to the product you wish to download and select where you want to save the file on your PC.
The release notes are available here.
Connection Suite 5.06.004 Files
Click here to download the unattended versions of the same installers.
Older versions
If you need an older version of Dualog Connection Suite, please inquire with Dualog Support at
Dualog Link - Latest Download Installer
On this page, you will find the latest download link for the installer required for any Dualog link platform services.
This installer is mandatory for the following services:
- Dualog Access
- Dualog Drive
- Dualog Endpoint
- Dualog Fetch
- Dualog Protect
Please refer to the following article on getting started with the installation and activation of Dualog Link Platform and services:
Dualog Link Client - Installation & Activation
Dualog Connection Suite Ship - Release Notes
Connection Suite release notes provide information on the features and improvements in each release. This page includes release notes releases.
Latest Connection Suite Installers:
Version 5.06.004 (note that version 5.06.003 has been merged with this version)
Bug Fixes
- Quota: Users are now correctly logged out if their quota is exceeded.
- Live Traffic Reporting (Experimental): A disconnected Link-client no longer shuts down the Worker Windows-service.
Version 5.06.002
Bug Fixes
- Network Control/Firewall: Rules with the same source IP, gateway and overlapping port numbers are now correctly processed.
- Network Control/Failover: The lowest ranked gateway in Network Control is no longer deactivated if ping-test fails. This prevents Network Control from having no available gateways and reporting an error to users.
- Network Control/Live Traffic Reporting (Experimental): Now correctly uploads traffic data to cloud.
Version 5.06.001
General Changes
- This version and future versions of Connection Suite now only support 64-bit operating systems
- Updated .NET to version 8
User Interface - Connections
- Override now lets the user specify allow/block. When an override is applied, the user is able to choose if they want to enable or disable the gateway. This allows users to add override commands to enable a gateway even if it is already online
Ship API
- Network Control
- WAN-failover settings no longer require restart. If the initial-state or other WAN-failover settings are changes, they are now applied automatically.
- Clearing the override now resets the gateway to its initial state. When an override is reset, the gateway is reset to its "initial state". This prevents gateways from ending up in an unintended state.
Network Control/Quota
- Added support for gateways with the same MAC-address. Gateways with the same MAC-address can now be used as long as they are in separate LAN-segments. This is common when the communication equipment is located behind a firewall/router and separated using VLANs.
IMAP Server
- If a mail is over 50 MB, a MIME message gets returned to the end user that saying the message is too big. We’ve seen at least one case where the mail parsing caused an extremely large message. This caused Outlook to get out of sync.
- Added logic to stop an infinite loop when parsing content-language. If a MIME has multiple languages in the content-languages, it could cause an infinite loop when parsing the message.
Version 5.06.000
- Desktop view is now available in Dualog Webmail, displaying the messaging preview underneath the message listing, rather than on the side
- Visual improvements to Instant Communication Mode: End users can now see the status of Instant Communication Mode i.e. whether the vessel is currently Downloading, Uploading, In Sync, or Offline
- Fixed a bug in Instant Communication Mode where there could be a mismatch in generated hardware id
Version 5.05.003
- Fixed a bug where Quota traffic incorrectly was marked as business traffic and not counted towards a user's allowance
Version 5.05.002
- Rewritten part of the Instant Communication Mode where some ships have observed uploads stopping.
Version 5.05.001
- Increased a timeout value in Instant Communication Mode to resolve an edge cases where some ships have reported uploads stopping.
Version 5.05.000
Connection Suite 5.05 Release Notes
The release notes for older versions are available here.
Dualog Portal - Getting Started
This article will provide step-by-step instructions on how to get started on Dualog Portal before accessing the available features.
- Register an account on Dualog Portal (For both existing and new customers)
- Request for an invitation to an organization.
- If there is/are existing members within the organization, they may send an invitation (Under Procedure for Owner)
- If there is/are no existing members within the organization, reach out to Dualog support at with the registered email address or username.
- Accept the invitation (Under Procedure for invitee)
- You are all set to access the available features now!
Articles on the available features on Dualog Portal are available here.
For official feedback submission, please log in to Dualog Portal and submit a form located at the bottom right.
Dualog Link Client - Getting Started
The Dualog Client allows you to install the new Digital Platform services. The client can be installed on any client PC on board, as long as the system requirements are met.
Depending on the service you are planning to install, you may need to install the same client on different PCs on board i.e. you can have Dualog Protect on one PC and Dualog Drive on another PC. If unsure about where to install it, get in touch with us. We will be happy to help.
You will need a couple of things in place before you get started with the installation of the Dualog services.
If you use the Dualog Network Control service, the rule can be added directly on the Dualog Portal. Refer to the article Network Control: Firewall Rules if you should need extra assistance.
- Run the “DualogClientInstaller.exe”
- Follow the process, choosing the installation path and the service(s) you wish to install:
- Dualog Drive
- Dualog Protect
- Dualog Access
- Dualog Fetch
- Dualog Endpoint Security
- A Complete window will appear after it has successfully completed the installation > Click “Finish”.
- The next step will be to activate the client.
Once the installation is completed successfully, you will be re-directed automatically to the following page:
- Click on "Check connectivity" to perform the mandatory internet connectivity test.
- Once the internet connectivity test is successful, click on "Activation Code" (Go here to troubleshoot a failure in one or more checks)
- Input the activation code that must first be created on the Dualog Apps portal.
- Click on "Activate"
- Upon successful activation, the installation is now active and reflected on the Dualog Apps portal under Installations.

Once the installation is completed successfully, you will be re-directed automatically to the following page:
- Click on "Check connectivity" to perform the mandatory internet connectivity test.
- Once the internet connectivity test is successful, click on "Activation Code" (Go here to troubleshoot a failure in one or more checks)
- You will be redirected to, where sign-in is required with a valid account.
- Select the organization, and ship you are installing on, followed by an installation name before clicking on "Activate Client"
- Click on "Activate" on the confirmation window.
- Upon successful activation, you will see the confirmation message.

Before moving forward, we need to check that the Dualog Cloud is “seeing” the new ship online.
- Go to Installation, and confirm that the ship you have installed is “online”.
- Verify that the required service(s) has/have been installed and shown.

If your ship is not listed or offline, please make sure all services are running. In case you are not able to get the ship online on, get in touch with Dualog Support.
3. Click on the individual installed service(s) and confirm that the needful has/have been enabled as well. (Configurations or tasks would have to be pre-configured prior to this)

If you have difficulties or have further inquiries on any of the above, get in touch with Dualog Support.
Dualog Connection Suite - Full Installation
This guide describes the necessary steps to install the latest version of Dualog Connection Suite. The PC where Dualog Connection Suite is going to be installed will be referred to as "Dualog PC".
- Double click on the setup x86/x64 installer > Click "Yes"

- Click “Next” to proceed with the setup wizard > Agree to the terms of the agreement

- Browse and select the destination folder that the Dualog Connection Suite should be installed.

- Click "Next" > A popup window will appear and prompt that Port 80 is available for Dualog Web Server > Click "Yes" (In the unlikely event that port 80 is occupied by something else, choose port 81 and click on OK, then in the following window click on “Next”.)

- Browse and select the local directory that the MailStore folder should be installed > Click "Next"

- You will be now prompted to choose if you want to install Oracle XE as a part of the installation. (Make sure that the Archive Log checkbox is ticked and click on the Install button.)

- After the installation, click “Yes” or "No" (Required if Network Control is configured)

- Upon completion, click on “Next” and "OK" to initiate the Oracle XE installation.

- On the InstallShield Wizard for Oracle Database 11g Express Edition welcome window, click Next.

- Click on “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and click on “Next”.
- Browse and select the destination folder where Oracle 11g will be installed > Click "Next".

- When prompted to enter and confirm a password for the database, please enter any desired password.
- Confirm the password, click “Next” and "Install" to proceed with the installation.

- After installation, the installer will configure and initialize the database. When you see the “Database Initialization OK” window, click on “Next”.

- You are now requested to insert the StartPack file. Click on the “…” button, navigate to where the StartPack file is located on your computer and click on Next.

- The installer will proceed to insert Start Pack and finalize the setup, which may take a few minutes.
- You may be prompted to allow the Apache service through the Windows Firewall. Select all options (Private networks and Public networks) and click on the “Allow access” button. Complete the installation.
- You will be asked if you want to reboot the PC now. Click on "Reboot Now".

After the PC has rebooted, test all Dualog functionalities (send and receive emails, test internet surfing, register crew onboard where applicable) and if you notice something out of ordinary, please contact your IT department or Dualog support @+47 7762 1911
If this is not a new installation of Connection Suite (Eg: Re-installation or server migration) and you possess an IMAP backup that needs to be restored for historic emails, proceed with
IMAP restoration.
If you are preparing a reinstallation, remember to
perform an IMAP backup before
uninstalling Connection Suite.
If you are planning to install the Dualog Endpoint on the Dualog PC, you can
proceed here, after the installation of the Dualog Connection Suite.
Dualog Business Mail - MX and SPF Records Setup
On this page, you will find the technical information required for email deliveries to our Dualog Mail Defence and to your vessels
Important: when routing new domains to MailDefence, notify in advance.
For domain(s) under your management (e.g., apply the following changes.
To route the traffic directed to your domain to Dualog MailDefence, change the MX record of your domain(s) to: (preference 10)
In order to allow our servers to send out email with your domain, add the following to the domain's SPF record:
No action will be required
Dualog Drive - Getting Started
This article provides a step-by-step guide on getting started with Dualog Drive and experiencing the benefits first-hand.
- A valid Dualog portal account (Click here to sign up)
- An existing organization within the Dualog portal (You can create one upon successful registration of an account)
- One or more 'vessels' and 'office' in the portal to use for your testing
- One Windows PC per vessel and office to install on (Later versions of Windows 7 or newer)
- A modern web browser on the PCs to do the client registration
- A user in the Dualog Portal with access to your organization
- The following needs to be allowed by the firewall (if applicable)
- Destination:
- IP address:
- Port(s): 443, 4443
- Protocol: TCP/UDP
Click here for the complete details of Dualog Drive's system requirements.
Getting started
Every Drive task needs two things: One or more vessels and an office.
- Log into the Dualog Portal
- Expand the top left menu and click Organisation
- Click on "Add Ship" under Ships > New Setup > Continue
- Fill in the necessary fields > Add Ship (Note: Depending on your preferences, this could be a test vessel or a live vessel)
- Click on "Add Office" under Offices > Enter office name > Add Office

If you wish for your office to be a SharePoint integration, click here to find out more.
1.2 Installation on the ship
Dualog Drive can be easily installed in 5 minutes using Dualog Client Installer.
This must be installed on the endpoint(s)/machine(s) with which you plan to test Dualog Drive.
The installation is very straightforward and will take you through the following steps:
- Double click the installer to run the initial installation
- Pick only Drive when prompted to select products
- The local webpage will open to continue the installation. If it does not open, go to
- An automated connectivity test will run to ensure it can do all resolving
- Client registration
- You'll be prompted to log in with your portal user
- Select the vessel you wish to install the client under
- Give the client a name that has meaning to you, e.g. "Captain's PC"
More detailed installation instructions can be found here
1.3 Create a task
You are now ready to create your very first Drive task!
Expand the top left menu > Drive
To learn more about each type, the differences, and use cases, click on "Read about the sync task" and "Read about the move task."

Recommendation! Before proceeding with further experimental tests, begin with a simple Move Task between the newly created vessel and office to learn more about the core concept of Dualog Drive.
1.4 Let's test
Now that you have successfully completed the above steps, the folder(s) that you have previously created on the individual task should now populate automatically on the respective installations.
Place a file within the folder of the source installation and watch the magic happen!
- The file should disappear for a brief moment before reappearing in the destination installation's folder.
Feel free to play around with both types of Drive tasks to get a sense of the various options available, as well as a better understanding of the differences between what Move and Sync tasks have to offer.
Additional Resources
If you wish to lean back and watch a video, you can watch a webinar on Dualog Drive here.
You can also read this article on top 5 use cases of Dualog Drive here.
Dualog Endpoint - Getting Started
Dualog Endpoint is a comprehensive and efficient approach to cybersecurity, providing greater protection against malware, phishing, and ransomware attacks. It also offers enhanced visibility and control over endpoints, enabling administrators to monitor and manage devices more effectively and respond to real-time security incidents.
Superior protection requires more updates. Dualog Endpoint updates will be distributed daily to provide effective protection against modern threats. On average, Dualog Endpoint will utilize approximately 3 GB of data each month.
Ensure that the firewall on the ship is configured to allow the following:
- Protocol: TCP
- Ports:
- 2222 (For configurations & reporting)
- 2223 (For updates)
- 443 (For Dualog portal)
- Direction: to and fro
- Destination:, and
Dualog Network Control users can add this rule directly on the Dualog Portal. Refer to the article Network Control: Firewall Rules for further details.
Please note that both Dualog Link Client and Dualog Endpoint have to be installed on every machine that you wish to protect with Dualog Endpoint.
Install and activate the Dualog Link client
- For both new and existing customers:
- Please download and run the latest client installer > tick on Dualog Endpoint Security service > complete the installation
- Install and activate the Dualog Endpoint Service
For more information, view the most latest Product Webinar here.
Dualog Protect - Getting Started
Dualog® Protect stops most malware, ransomware, trojan, and phishing attempts, ultimately blocking unsafe or suspicious internet resources before any harm is done by monitoring all activity at the DNS level.
This article will get you started with deploying Dualog® Protect on your fleet.
The service is easy to set up and configure to your requirements for what types of content you wish to block.
You will need a couple of things in place before you get started with the installation of Dualog® Protect.
- You will need a valid account on the Dualog portal.
- Make sure all necessary IP and ports are whitelisted on your firewall(s)
- You have created at least one Dualog Protect policy to assign to your ships
- Dualog Link Client has been installed and activated on the required machine.

- Disable any existing DNS service on the PC where Dualog Protect will be installed. Typical examples
- Any external DNS relay/forwarder
- If you are running Network Control, go to Connection Suite > Network Control > Configure Network Control > choose the ship.
- Make sure to disable DNS Relay and save.

Dualog® Protect can be installed on any client PC on board, as long as the system requirements are met. If you are running Active Directory on your ship, Dualog Protect cannot be installed on the Domain Controller as it would create a DNS loop.
Typically, you want to install Dualog Protect on a PC or server that is reachable from all onboard subnets that you wish to protect. If you are running Dualog Network Control, that PC is a good candidate to install Protect. If unsure about where to install it, get in touch with us. We will be happy to help.
The standard installation process is described here. Follow the procedure and, once completed, continue with the steps below to complete the deployment of Dualog Protect.
You can now proceed to assign the ship to your Protect policy. Go to the Protect "Configuration" tab. Now click on “Assign” and make sure your ship is ticked for this policy.
Dualog Protect is now active and ready to handle the DNS requests on board.
Make sure your WAN network adapter uses as primary DNS.
Any client PC you wish to protect will need to have the Dualog Protect PC's IP address as their primary DNS server.
You can now go ahead and test Dualog Protect.
Dualog Fetch - Getting Started
Dualog Fetch is available in the standard Dualog Link Platform installer, available from Dualog Portal. A user account with access to the company is required for login.
- For new installations of the Link Platform, the client must be registered on Dualog Cloud. To complete registration, internet access is required.
- For existing installations of the Link Platform, the latest Dualog Link Platform installer has to be downloaded and executed, followed by selecting Dualog Fetch during the installation wizard.
Please refer to the system requirements to ensure that the machine fulfills all of them.
Both installations and registrations can be performed in either of the following ways:
- Dualog Link Client - Installation & Activation
- Dualog® Link Client - Silent Installation & Activation
Configuration is performed on Dualog Portal. Two separate and independent configurations are required to receive syslog data:
- Client configuration. (Basic filtering options to define data to accept.)
- Data receiver configuration. (Configuration of outbound queues)
In its basic form, the client configuration is simple. You can either allow all or block all syslog data received.
From there on exceptions can be added, and here it can easily be complicated.
Dualog Connection Suite - Troubleshooting
The Connection Suite is composed of various modules interconnected by a background database known as Oracle. This database may encounter interruptions in its functionality due to a range of factors, including unexpected server shutdowns, hard drive bad sectors, or program bugs.
However, the majority of issues typically stem from the database not operating correctly.
The following steps will cover how to troubleshoot Oracle and bring it back to full working conditions when it becomes unresponsive. This is how to determine if Oracle is down:
- You will not be able to login to the Dualog Connection Suite page due to the error "could not connect to the database.

- No emails can be sent or received, especially on Outlook where it reflects send/receive error
- Check if the Oracle XE and Oracle TNS Listener services are started. Note: In many cases, the Oracle XE service might be running even though the database is down.
- Check if both Web4Sea services are started. Only one of them will run if Oracle is not running properly
If you are experiencing one or more of the above symptoms, the Oracle database is likely the cause of the disruption of the Connection Suite.
The first thing to do when troubleshooting Oracle is to restart the database. This can be achieved automatically by rebooting the Dualog PC, or manually by performing the following steps:
- Stop all Dualog Connection Suite services
- Stop the Oracle XE service
- Restart the Oracle TNS Listener service
- Start the Oracle XE service
- Start all Dualog Connection Suite services
If this does not resolve the issue, the database is likely to be corrupted in some way.
The next step will be to connect to the database to determine what is wrong. This will be carried out through the Windows Command Prompt.
- In CMD, type: sqlplus
- When prompted for a user, type: sys as sysdba
- When prompted for a password, type the password that has been chosen during the installation process. (Please contact Dualog Support if you are uncertain of the initial password)
- Hit Enter (Note: the password will not show while typing. Just type the password and hit Enter. )
You are currently logged in as the database administrator user and connected to the Oracle database. Only authorized personnel are advised to proceed with any described changes at their own risk.
If uncertain, it is recommended to contact Dualog Support for assistance. It is crucial to exercise caution and refrain from executing any commands without a clear understanding of their implications, as there is no safety mechanism in place to mitigate potential database corruption.
In the event of database corruption or errors, a complete reinstallation of the Dualog Connection Suite will be necessary to restore functionality.
The initial step is to restart the database, as it serves as the simplest method to identify any potential errors associated with it. Please input the following commands:
shutdown immediate;
// Wait for the operation to complete
This sequence of commands will first shut down the database, and then start it up again. Oracle will give you one of these responses:
- "Database opened" - means there are no issues with the database, and the database has been successfully opened and is ready to be used.
- "Database mounted" - means that Oracle managed to mount the database but was not able to open it. There are therefore some issues preventing the database from opening.
- If Oracle only managed to mount the database, you will also likely be presented with an Oracle error message with the format “ORA-1111 <error text>”. Should this happen, please call Dualog Support.
If the issue persists despite completing the basic troubleshooting steps outlined above, you may choose to proceed with either of the following options:
- Navigate to the directory: C:\dualog\oraclexe\app\oracle\diag\rdbms\xe\xe\trace, retrieve the alert_xe.log file, and forward it to Dualog Support for further analysis.
- Alternatively, if you possess advanced technical expertise:
- Proceed with the following troubleshooting steps:
If you encounter a database corruption error message, which may manifest in various proprietary error codes, you should access the Oracle database through SQL*Plus, as demonstrated previously. Once connected, input the following commands:
recover database;
Once this has finished, type:
alter database open;
If the database successfully opens and you receive a message confirming "database opened," then everything has proceeded as expected.
In the event that the aforementioned commands do not resolve the Oracle issue, you can return to the command prompt window and navigate to the following path:
Start -> All Programs -> Dualog -> Connection Suite -> Support -> and run a program named "XERestore."
Alternatively, you can execute "XeRestore.bat" as an administrator via the directory:

This action will initiate an automated database sanity check, which will identify and resolve some of the most common Oracle issues.
Upon completion of this process, you will be prompted to press any key to continue. Once you have done so, proceed to run Dualog Connection Suite and verify if everything is functioning correctly.
The error messages suggest that the space allocated for Oracle archive logs has reached its maximum capacity, resulting in the inability to open the database.
To resolve this issue, it is necessary to increase the maximum size permitted for the archive logs. Access the Oracle console as outlined previously and input the following sequence of commands.
If you encounter an error indicating inability to connect to the database, close the command prompt and log into SQL*Plus again. Then, proceed with the following steps:
1. Open CMD
2. Type “rman target sys/”
3. Type in the oracle password
4. startup mount
5. delete noprompt archivelog all;
6. alter database open;
Once the database has been opened and mounted, proceed to verify by logging into Dualog connection suite page again.
This error indicates that the TNS listener service is unable to locate the Oracle database, and as such, the database is not functioning.
First of all, make sure that the Oracle TNS Listener service is started.
If it is running, navigate to C:\dualog\connectionsuite\, run the program called ‘OraEnvSetter’ and choose the option to set the ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME environment variables.
Once this has been done, stop and start the database as described at the beginning of this document, or reboot the server, then check if Connection Suite is working as intended.
Dualog Portal - Dualog Alerts Setup
The Dualog Alerts feature allows administrators to configure alerts for several Dualog services should specific errors or thresholds be encountered or reached. The alert notifications will be sent to all configured recipients.
Alerts configuration can be found at the bottom of the "Organisation" page.

The following will be demonstrated in this article:
- Overview of all configurable alerts
- Configuring an alert
- Adding the recipient(s)
- Antivirus
- Alert when a ship has an outdated Antivirus server.
- Configurable threshold: 1 - 30 days.
- Alert when a ship has outdated Antivirus clients.
- Configurable threshold: 1 - 30 days.
- ConnectionSuite
- Alert when Connection Suite has not connected to the Dualog Cloud for an extended period of time.
- Configurable threshold: 60 - 2880 minutes.
- Alert when there’s more than a predefined amount of crew signed on a ship.
- Configurable threshold: 1 - 200 minutes.
- DualogDrive
- Alert when Drive detects an issue.
- Configurable threshold: 15 - 2880 minutes.
- Alert when a transfer has taken too long to complete.
- Configurable threshold: 15 - 10080 minutes.
- DualogProtect
- Alert when a device is trying to contact a malware (Command&Control/C2) server - Enable/Disable.
- Email
- Alert when a ship does not have a recent IMAP server backup.
- Configurable threshold: 2 - 30 days.
- Link
- Alert when a Link Platform installation has been offline for an extended period of time.
- Configurable threshold: 15 - 2880 minutes.
- To enable an alert, first select its category from the list and a pop-up window will then appear where the applicable alerts and their parameters may be adjusted.
- Save Changes
When the configured threshold has exceeded for an active alert, an email will be sent to all alert recipients.

- You may select "Add Alert Recipient" to add email recipients of your configured alerts as shown below:

- When the recipient(s) is/are added, they will receive an email to verify that they want to receive future Dualog Alerts.

- Proceed with the verification to receive the configured alerts.