Dualog Connection Suite Ship - Release Notes

Connection Suite release notes provide information on the features and improvements in each release. This page includes release notes for platform releases and ship releases.

Version 5.06.000

  • Desktop view is now available in Dualog Webmail, displaying the messaging preview underneath the message listing, rather than on the side
  • Visual improvements to Instant Communication Mode: End users can now see the status of Instant Communication Mode i.e. whether the vessel is currently Downloading, Uploading, In Sync, or Offline
  • Fixed a bug in Instant Communication Mode where there could be a mismatch in generated hardware id

Version 5.05.003


  • Fixed a bug where Quota traffic incorrectly was marked as business traffic and not counted towards a user's allowance

Version 5.05.002


  • Rewritten part of the Instant Communication Mode where some ships have observed uploads stopping.

Version 5.05.001


  • Increased a timeout value in Instant Communication Mode to resolve an edge cases where some ships have reported uploads stopping.

Version 5.05.000

Connection Suite 5.05 Release Notes 


The release notes for older versions are available here.




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