Dualog Connection Suite - Troubleshooting


The Connection Suite is composed of various modules interconnected by a background database known as Oracle. This database may encounter interruptions in its functionality due to a range of factors, including unexpected server shutdowns, hard drive bad sectors, or program bugs.

However, the majority of issues typically stem from the database not operating correctly.


The following steps will cover how to troubleshoot Oracle and bring it back to full working conditions when it becomes unresponsive. This is how to determine if Oracle is down:

  • You will not be able to login to the Dualog Connection Suite page due to the error "could not connect to the database.

  • No emails can be sent or received, especially on Outlook where it reflects send/receive error
  • Check if the Oracle XE and Oracle TNS Listener services are started. Note: In many cases, the Oracle XE service might be running even though the database is down.
  • Check if both Web4Sea services are started. Only one of them will run if Oracle is not running properly

If you are experiencing one or more of the above symptoms, the Oracle database is likely the cause of the disruption of the Connection Suite.


The first thing to do when troubleshooting Oracle is to restart the database. This can be achieved automatically by rebooting the Dualog PC, or manually by performing the following steps:

  1. Stop all Dualog Connection Suite services
  2. Stop the Oracle XE service
  3. Restart the Oracle TNS Listener service
  4. Start the Oracle XE service
  5. Start all Dualog Connection Suite services

If this does not resolve the issue, the database is likely to be corrupted in some way.

The next step will be to connect to the database to determine what is wrong. This will be carried out through the Windows Command Prompt.

  1. In CMD, type: sqlplus
  2. When prompted for a user, type: sys as sysdba
  3. When prompted for a password, type the password that has been chosen during the installation process. (Please contact Dualog Support if  you are uncertain of the initial password)
  4. Hit Enter (Note: the password will not show while typing. Just type the password and hit Enter. )


You are currently logged in as the database administrator user and connected to the Oracle database. Only authorized personnel are advised to proceed with any described changes at their own risk.

If uncertain, it is recommended to contact Dualog Support for assistance. It is crucial to exercise caution and refrain from executing any commands without a clear understanding of their implications, as there is no safety mechanism in place to mitigate potential database corruption.

In the event of database corruption or errors, a complete reinstallation of the Dualog Connection Suite will be necessary to restore functionality.

The initial step is to restart the database, as it serves as the simplest method to identify any potential errors associated with it. Please input the following commands:

shutdown immediate;

// Wait for the operation to complete


This sequence of commands will first shut down the database, and then start it up again. Oracle will give you one of these responses:

  • "Database opened" - means there are no issues with the database, and the database has been successfully opened and is ready to be used.

  • "Database mounted" - means that Oracle managed to mount the database but was not able to open it. There are therefore some issues preventing the database from opening.

  • If Oracle only managed to mount the database, you will also likely be presented with an Oracle error message with the format “ORA-1111 <error text>”. Should this happen, please call Dualog Support.


If the issue persists despite completing the basic troubleshooting steps outlined above, you may choose to proceed with either of the following options:

  1. Navigate to the directory: C:\dualog\oraclexe\app\oracle\diag\rdbms\xe\xe\trace, retrieve the alert_xe.log file, and forward it to Dualog Support for further analysis.
  2. Alternatively, if you possess advanced technical expertise:
  3. Proceed with the following troubleshooting steps:

If you encounter a database corruption error message, which may manifest in various proprietary error codes, you should access the Oracle database through SQL*Plus, as demonstrated previously. Once connected, input the following commands:

recover database;

Once this has finished, type:

alter database open;

If the database successfully opens and you receive a message confirming "database opened," then everything has proceeded as expected.

In the event that the aforementioned commands do not resolve the Oracle issue, you can return to the command prompt window and navigate to the following path:

Start -> All Programs -> Dualog -> Connection Suite -> Support -> and run a program named "XERestore."

Alternatively, you can execute "XeRestore.bat" as an administrator via the directory:


This action will initiate an automated database sanity check, which will identify and resolve some of the most common Oracle issues.

Upon completion of this process, you will be prompted to press any key to continue. Once you have done so, proceed to run Dualog Connection Suite and verify if everything is functioning correctly.




The error messages suggest that the space allocated for Oracle archive logs has reached its maximum capacity, resulting in the inability to open the database.

To resolve this issue, it is necessary to increase the maximum size permitted for the archive logs. Access the Oracle console as outlined previously and input the following sequence of commands.

If you encounter an error indicating inability to connect to the database, close the command prompt and log into SQL*Plus again. Then, proceed with the following steps:

1. Open CMD
2. Type “rman target sys/”
3. Type in the oracle password
4. startup mount
5. delete noprompt archivelog all;
6. alter database open;

Once the database has been opened and mounted, proceed to verify by logging into Dualog connection suite page again.


This error indicates that the TNS listener service is unable to locate the Oracle database, and as such, the database is not functioning.

First of all, make sure that the Oracle TNS Listener service is started.

If it is running, navigate to C:\dualog\connectionsuite\, run the program called ‘OraEnvSetter’ and choose the option to set the ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME environment variables.

Once this has been done, stop and start the database as described at the beginning of this document, or reboot the server, then check if Connection Suite is working as intended.



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