This document serves the purpose of explaining in detail how to uninstall Dualog Connection Suite from the main server on board.
Once the uninstall procedure is complete, the Dualog Connection Suite software and all its components will be removed, together with the entire email history of the vessel.
If your vessel is equipped with an IMAP server and you want to keep the email history and restore it on a new installation of Dualog Connection Suite, please perform an IMAP backup before initiating the uninstall procedure.
This procedure needs to be performed on the Dualog server.
When you are ready to begin, please proceed in strict numerical order by following the steps below.
- Click on the Windows start button, then locate and click on the Control Panel.
- On the top-right corner of the Control Panel window, select “View by Category”.
- Under the “Programs” category at the bottom left of the list, click on “Uninstall a program”.
- On the “Uninstall or Change a program” window that appears, locate “Dualog Connection Suite XXX” on the list of installed programs > click on it with the right mouse button > select “Uninstall/Change”.
- Click “Yes” on the pop-up window that will appear.
- At this point, the automatic uninstall process will begin. Once this is started, there is no turning back! Now, wait until the uninstall procedure ends.
- When the “Reboot now” popup window appears, click on “I want to manually reboot later” and click on the “Finish” button.
- At this point, you will see a popup window confirming the successful removal of the Connection Suite software > Click on OK.
- Click on the Windows start button, then click on the “Computer” option, then double-click on the Hard Disk where the Dualog software was installed (Default directory is C:\dualog)
- Upon locating the "Dualog” folder, proceed to delete the following subfolders
- ConnectionSuite
- oraclexe
- Mail Store
- Click Yes button to proceed with the actual deletion.
- Click on the Windows start button > under the search bar > type %temp%
- Hit enter
- You will see a window with lots of different files within the directory (C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Temp)
- Select ALL files and delete them.
- You will probably receive an error message stating that a couple of files cannot be deleted
- Check on "Do this for all current items" > Skip
- The deletion will take place and delete all possible files within.
- Click on the Windows start button, then type “Regedit” on the “Search programs and files” field and hit enter. You will now see a window called “Registry Editor”.
- Locate the DUALOG folder that can be found on either of the following (Double-click on each folder to expand further)
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DUALOG - Right-click on it and click Delete
- Click Yes to proceed with the deletion
You may now proceed to uninstall the Oracle Database for a complete and thorough uninstallation of the Dualog system.
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