Dualog Business Mail - Distribution List


A distribution list serves the purpose of sending emails to a group of individuals or users who share common work and need to communicate frequently, eliminating the need to manually type each recipient's name. Additionally, it enables automatic forwarding of emails to multiple email addresses.

This article will demonstrate how to access, configure, and modify Distribution Lists within the organization.


  1. Login to Dualog Portal > Click on Connection Suite > Email > Settings > Distribution Lists (Alternative Direct Link)AppsDL.gif
  2. By clicking on "Create distribution list" or any existing distribution lists, first define or amend the email address that would be used.
  3. Go through the individual selections, select or amend the required options and/or fill in the fields that best fulfil the requirements.
  4. There are 3 selections under the Distribution List to choose from:

    • User Groups (Groups)
    • User accounts (Accounts)
    • External accounts (External addresses)
  5. Provide or amend the description, before clicking Save and Close.AppsDLAccounts.gif
  6. You can now send email to the email address of the newly-created distribution list.

Note: Please ensure that the distribution list is properly contacted before the email blast to the intended recipients.



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