Dualog Drive - Create Move Task


Dualog Drive consists of two separate file transfer methods, Move and Sync.
A Move task will move any files from the source to the destination, automatically deleting any files from the source upon the transfer to the destination(s).

We have a separate article going through the creation of Sync tasks.

This article will go through the process of creating a new Move task through a specific Move task creation example, and it will further go through the available configuration options:

  • New task creation wizard
  • Source
    • Source path
    • Override default path
    • Advanced source options
  • Destination
    • Destination path
    • Handle existing filenames
  • Bandwidth Control



  1. Under the Configuration tab at the Drive dashboard you will have the option to create a new Drive task by clicking on "Create Drive Task":
  2. A wizard page will then appear, where you will be prompted to specify the task type, direction, ships, and folder creation:

    In this example, we are creating a task that will move files from multiple ships to individual folders for each individual ship to an office installation.
    The "individual folders" options will be apparent in the destination path section.
  3. After the options have been selected you can proceed to click "Create Task", which will open a new wizard to configure the source and destination options.


The first option presented within this wizard is to select the source by clicking Edit Source, with the possibility to select either a "Ship Group", or individual ships:

In this example we will select three individual ships that we want to move files from followed by clicking Select Ships:


Once the source ships have been selected, the next option is to specify the source path on the ships, which is where we want to move files from.
In this example, we will specify that we want to move all files within the desktop folder "MoveFolder" under the Administrator account(C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\MoveFolder):


The source path can be overridden should the source path or folder be different on the individual ships, such as the account name being unique on each vessel, as seen in the below example:


Advanced Source Options offers additional optional tweaking, with the specific options below:

Delay: This can be set if you would like a delay between a file appearing in the source folder, and it being picked up by Dualog Drive. This can be useful in scenarios where a 3rd party application is dumping files, and may "hold on" or write to them for some time after generating the file.

File Type Inclusions/Exclusion: By default, all files in the source folder will get picked up by Dualog Drive, as seen with "**/*" specified under the "Included file types", as this is a catch-all wildcard. However, if you would only like specific file types to get picked up, this can be configured.
If you should only want the task to move ".zip" files, you would remove the "**/*" inclusion, and add "*.zip" to the "Included file types".
This can also be configured to pick up all files except specific excluded file types.

Max file size: This option allows you to set a size limit, specified in bytes, for individual files, where you could effectively exclude the transfer of any files larger than determined size.

Source backup: If a Source backup path is set, this will make a local backup to the specified path of any files picked up by Dualog Drive.

In the below example, we have specified that we want all files moved from the source, except for .csv files, and specified that we want a local backup of any files moved.
We have not set any delay or max file size limit:


The first option under the destination configuration is to select the specific installation you would like the Move task to deliver the file to, by clicking Edit Destination:

You will then be presented with a list of all Office installations under your company, where you may select only one:

You will also have to option to select an "Integration" as the destination, where we do offer the option of configuring a SharePoint integration as the destination, which is gone through in the below articles:



With the destination installation selected, you will need to specify the destination path where the files should arrive.

As we selected "Individual folders" during the setup wizard, it is required to specify at least one dynamic folder in the destination path, such as the ship name($(ShipName)), where a folder will be generated with the variable for each vessel.

If the path is to a network resource/share, you will be presented with the option to input the credentials to access it.


The final destination configuration pertains to the handling of any potentially existing files with the same name.

The default mechanic is to overwrite any files at the destination folder with the new file, however you can choose the option to rename existing files instead.



The final option available is the configuration of Bandwidth Control which we have a separate article going through, found here: https://support.dualog.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010707140-Bandwidth-Control 


All that is left is to name the newly created task and click Save and close:


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